~Writing Ultimatum

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I don’t strive to write for others, or even for me,
My goal is to write, for my KING’s glory.

If ever you see me writing, just for myself,
Shallowly scribbling for a place on the shelf,

Or trying for money or some place of great fame,
Lowering my standards for a taste of the same,

Or forgetting my duties, those that lie in the home,
Or neglecting my family, while in fiction I roam,

Or if my Bible is gathering a dark layer of dust,
Or my prayer life is hurried – worse, behind me is thrust,

Or if I cease doing ministry in word or in deed,
For any brother or sister, who might be in need,

Hiding out quietly, behind paper and pen,
Absorbed in “my world”, let me ask you then,

Call me out faithfully, my friend, and I pray
That I will truly listen, to what you might say.

I pray that I write and bless my sisters and brothers
But it can’t come before the LORD, my family, or others.

So, if ever I seem to write, simply for me,
Speak and please pray, that I’ll re-seek His glory.

To the KING be all the glory!

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