~The Impact of a Smile

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I don’t really know a lot of people, but there are some among my friends and acquaintance who have smiles that I love. They don’t know it, because I tend not to mention it, but it’s true. I tend to see a beauty in every genuine smile, but in these individuals, that beauty is exemplified. Often, this means that I can’t help but smile myself, even if the person isn’t looking at me or even knows that I’m watching them.

While I’ve always loved a smile, it was on a difficult day about two-and-a-half years ago, that I was struck by a lesson concerning them.

At the time, my family and I were living in a small house in a rough part of town. My sisters and I always went outdoors in pairs, often accompanied by our dog. Most of our friends were living a ways a way and I missed them sorely. While the LORD was gracious to me during the time that we lived there and I often found blessing to rejoice in, on this particular day the world felt difficult and my heart had grown heavy.

My sister needed to water plants in the front yard, so I went with her. Our house faced a busy main road, the yard separated from the sidewalk only by a short, rod-ironed fence. Vehicles made hundreds of passes everyday, creating a deafening roar, while dozens of people went on foot or by bicycle along the sidewalk.

While my sister watered thirsty plants with the only hose, I stood near the white fence, watching the passersby. Those who walked past me either just gave me a glance or ignored me altogether. Then, a bicyclist came by.

The bicyclist was a man, probably in his mid to late thirties. He had on a white helmet, and like so many others, looked up in time to catch my eye as he passed. Unlike the others, however, he did one thing. He smiled. He gave me a bright, genuine smile.

To my knowledge, I had never met that man before in my life. Never spoke to him; never even seen him. But that smile he gave me in the two seconds before he zipped past me, brightened not only the rest of my day, but the rest of my week. Yet, I wonder if I fully realized the lesson shown to me that day; the lesson revealing the impact of a smile.

The bicyclist likely doesn’t remember me. Of the dozens, perhaps hundreds, of people that he probably saw while riding on that day, I was one person who crossed his line of vision for less than half a minute. Still, I remember him. I remember him as the person the LORD used to bring me some cheer during a rough time.

It doesn’t take long to smile at someone. Sometimes it’s hard. The last thing you want to do is try to look cheerful for someone else. Yet, you don’t know what encouragement you might be passing on. I understand that it’s not always appropriate to smile, but at least think about trying. You just don’t know who might need a little cheering up or why, and it costs nothing.

Whether it’s for a loved one or a complete stranger, consider sharing a smile when you catch their eye. But don’t think about it too long before you act, because all you may have is a ten second window before the opportunity is gone.


To the KING be all the glory!



  1. Sarah Scheele says:

    To me, genuine kindness can make or break a Christian witness. If a person talks loudly about God and what God has done for them, but is constantly self-absorbed or rude, I start to doubt God really has impacted them much. A nice smile is a hint of the beauty of the person’s character.

  2. Jamie says:

    This is so true! It’s odd to think how our facial expressions in passing can effect someone else so heavily, depending on who they are or how they were feeling at the moment….

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