~Scorching Tears

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Do you ever hide your face
In a pillow’s friendly folds,
Then let your heart break in bits,
And release the grief it holds?

Do you ever cling so tight,
To an object, stuffed, but dear,
A little doll or teddy bear,
And shower them in many a tear?

Do you ever fall to the floor,
Prostrate and unable to stand,
Letting the sobs overtake your being
Letting them have their demand?

Do you remember, oh, sorrowing one,
When you can’t hold it in anymore,
When you let loose those scorching tears,
When your heart feels like it has tore,

Do you remember the One on the cross,
Who rose with great power and might?
Who holds all of life in His great hands,
Who understand all grief and all plight?

Take your grief, oh sorrowing one,
Take it to the KING from the cross.
He’ll help you to bear the heartache,
He’ll help you to bear your loss.

The grief won’t just go away,
It won’t just give you a release,
But He will carry you through,
And give you His sweet peace,

But first, you have to surrender,
And let go of your own strong will,
Then, let Him take things over,
And in you, His peace, He’ll fill.

To the KING be all the glory!


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