My Book … Again!

For the last week, I have been writing on my book a lot. I think that I may have a title now … My Mom suggested the classic and simple title “Christine”, since Christine is the character at the heart of the entire book. My only fear is that it may be too simple – to the point of being boring. I’m tempted to just name it “Untitled Novel” … :p

I now have 37 pages and 7 chapters – well, actually I have a lot more than that but those are all the that I have typed out and “finished” on my computer. I always write my book on paper with a pen before I type it – it works better that way! :)

My greatest challenge at present is giving good and believable descriptions of my main characters – or any characters for that matter! It is almost tiring to try to describe the physical features of my protagonists … Half the time, I can not seem to do them justice! Here is part of one good example (the “bad” descriptions, I am truly trying to improve!):

“He was by birth, a pure blooded Scot, directly descended from the Covenanter’s of the seventeenth century. Born and raised in his native land, his tongue still clung to its native accent. At one time, he had stood a little above six feet, but now, bowed with age, he just reached the six foot mark. His once curly red hair was white, only faintly tinted by its former hue. His light blue eyes sparkled with life and vigor and his strong frame held witness of hours of hard labor in years past. His smile, though calm and gentle was full of kindness and warmth.”

I find myself getting thoroughly excited while I write. Wherever I am lately, I tend to be “writing” in my head, just waiting to get my hands on a pen and some paper! :)

To the KING be all the glory!


  1. Jamie T says:

    I write in my head as well! And I think ‘Christine’ is a very good title. Infact, you could have the title with the name of both girls, too. If you wanted to. I can’t really give good suggestions because I don’t know that much of the book! ;) Anyway, I’m glad you’re making headway. I’ll look forward to another update. :D

    From a feminine warrior,
    Jamie Joyce

  2. Miss Eyebright says:

    Thank you for your blogoversary wishes! :D

    I think Christine is a very good name for your novel, even though I hardly know it. Also, I thought your description was quite good!

    Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
    Miss Eyebright

  3. Hollen says:

    Hi! My name is Hollen! I follow Mrs. Klotz’s blog, and I see your comments all the time, so I thought that I would look at your blog! I really like it thus far! And very good description! I also LOVE to write, and I seem to write in my head too! :)

  4. Mrs. Terry says:

    Your book sound very interesting. I like the title Christine. It is simple yet has a sense of intrigue. Keep up the good work… we need lots of good books to be reading :o)

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