~I’ve Been Missing…

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I’ve been sort of missing for the last week. I had posts planned and everything, but not written, when my editor unexpectedly handed over the last of her notes on one of my books. Instead of posting, I spent nearly all of my computer time last week, editing… constantly editing. Now, I’m basically done! I have a final draft sitting in my computer, on the laptop and backed up for safety. I am in the process of a final read through, but it’s only pages away from being complete.

For those of you who keep track of word counts, this is one of my shorter books. It’s a children’s book titled A Year with the Potters. It’s about 27,000 words. I’ve been working on it for several years now, and much of it comes from real life occurrences. My goal with this story is to have a good book for children, that also teaches them as they read. The book follows a Christ-following, homeschool family as they explore nature, learn lessons of character and study history (such as learning about Martin Luther), always bringing everything back to the word of God. It’s pretty light-hearted, more so than my other books. I’m so excited to have it completed, that I can’t seem to stop telling how excited I am! It’s my first book to come this far!

On a random note, I’m reading The Phantom of the Opera right now. Trying to see why I’ve seen so many people say how much they like it. I’m about an eighth of the way through it, and I’m reserving judgment until I’ve read more.

I plan to begin posting again. My review for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde should be up by the end of the week, LORD willing, and I’m already planning some posts for next week. It will be nice to get my blog going again… until the next project claims my attention.

To the KING be all the glory!


  1. Kayla says:

    I sorta read a shortened version of Phantom of the Opera, it wasn’t the real book. I personally think it’s faar over-rated by some people. It’s kinda creepy and I didn’t really like it. XD Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is somewhat creepy too but that was a very good story! I’ll look for your review. :)

    And when do you plan to answer my email? ;)

    • Rebekah says:

      Heehee I still refuse to state my judgment of the book yet! :p

      Very soon. Tomorrow maybe, but don’t hold your breath until Monday. We have a crazy weekend ahead. I’ll try to tell you about it in the e-mail. :D

  2. Jamie T says:

    I’m so excited about your book!!!!!!!!! EEEEEHK! :D

    I will find your thoughts on the Phantom of the Opera invaluable; I still don’t quite understand the story line or why so many people like…. And Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde is one my most favorite books. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on that one as well. :D


    • Rebekah says:


      I’ll be sure to let you know when that post is up and I can e-mail you about it too. :D

      It should be coming quickly!! :D

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