~A Tiny Writing Update and “I’m it!”

I have been writing sporadically this weekend. We went to a funeral on Friday, and somehow it just seemed to make the entire weekend somewhat odd. I did get a little done though, and LORD willing, either this Friday, or the next, I’ll be able to show you one of my new projects. I just need to get it a little farther along first. Anyway…

I was tagged last week by Perry. I haven’t done any tags in years now, but this one looked really fun. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with 11 random things about yourself? I do now! Since nearly all of my cyber friends have been tagged already, I tried to come up with those who hadn’t… for the most part. :)  I tag the following:

Mrs. Havig






Rules of the game:

1. Post these rules.

2. Post 11 random things about yourself. (Though this can be optional.)

3. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post.

4. Create 11 new questions for the people you ask to answer.

5. Go to their blog and let them know you’ve tagged them.


11 Random Things:

1. My first story I ever wrote a lot on was about a boy named Joseph who planted a tree in the desert. It never even amounted to a short story in length though.

2. People usually think I look younger than I am. Less than six months ago, I was asked what grade I was in. (and I was 21 at the time.)

3. Most of my writing is done in the same room with all of my siblings making noise, people talking to me and often, music or a movie playing, not to mention 25 other interruptions in an hour. I used to write while singing the baby to sleep too.

4. Two of my favorite subjects to study are history and astronomy. Each of them are so fascinating and the LORD’s hand is so evident in each!

5. I really, really, enjoy singing!

6. I want to learn American Sign Language efficiently.

7. Vintage style clothing from the 1930’s through the 1950’s are my favorite styles, as long as the skirts are long enough.

8. Science with all it’s branches is fascinating!! Chemistry, Biology, Anthropology, Paleontology…

9. Sometimes I write my journal entries as poetry. I write letters to my friends in the same way at times too.

10. I am the eldest child in my family.

11. I always have far too many writing projects going at once!
The questions that Perry asked:

1. Were you / are you homeschooled?

– Homeschooled all my life.

2. Do you like rain or sunshine?

– It depends on my mood. As a general rule, I love rainy days though!

3. What is one thing that usually inspires you to write?

-Watching people, especially my sisters and my friends.

4. Facebook: “like” or “unlike”?

– “Like” most of the time. I don’t enjoy the changes, but I do enjoy reading statuses written by my friends.

5. How many people are in your family?

-Less then 10. :)

6. Have you ever written something on a roll of toilet paper?

-I don’t think so, but I’ve written on napkins before! And I once a received a letter from my grandmother written on a roll of toilet paper!

7. Fiddle or classical violin music?

-Classical violin!

8. Do you know the rules for “to,” “too,” “your,” and “you’re”? ;)

-“I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me, since I’m a writer!” :p I think I *mostly* understand them though.

9. Do you prefer writing on paper or on the computer?

-Paper. Always.

10. What is your favorite book (other than the Bible)?

-Oh my!! Well, there’s A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens… and The Betrayal by Douglas Bond… and Nicholas Nickleby, also by Mr. Dickens… then Mrs. Havig’s Aggie Series… then the Sherlock Holmes stories… and that’s just fiction! I don’t think I can pick an individual favorite! :)

11. How many books do you personally own? (You can estimate if the amount is so great you won’t get any writing done today for counting them all.)

-About 50? I’m still working on building my library though. :)


My list of questions:

1. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

2. Do you have a favorite poet?

3. Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?

4. What font do you like to type in?

5. What is your favorite book of the Bible?

6. Ice Cream or Cake?

7. Do you prefer to write with a pen or a pencil?

8. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?

9. What is one of your favorite hymns?

10. What do you do when you want to relax?

11. Do you prefer to e-mail or make a phone call?

I hope that you all had fun reading! :)
To the KING be all the glory!


  1. Aubrey Hansen says:

    Thank you so much for tagging of me! It made my morning to know that you thought of me. :)

    I don’t repost tagging stuff usually, but I really enjoyed reading your answers and random things! I shall answer your questions here:

    1. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
    -Watch a movie. I’m a screenwriter and an animation lover, so I have a thing for films! I don’t have much time to read, but taking an hour or two out for a movie really helps me relax.

    2. Do you have a favorite poet?
    -Robert Frost. I haven’t read a ton of his work, but one of his poems (“Fire and Ice”) has stuck with me for years

    3. Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?
    -Depends. ;) Some days it looks amazing, other days it looks anything but. ;)

    4. What font do you like to type in?
    -Something simple that matches the feel of the book. I’m using Goudy Old Style for my current novel, if I remember correctly.

    5. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
    -Jeremiah, methinks.

    6. Ice Cream or Cake?
    -Cake. With frosting, NOT whipped topping.

    7. Do you prefer to write with a pen or a pencil?
    -Pen. Permanent pen, to be exact. Sharpies forever! ;)

    8. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?
    -Cold. I have low heat tolerance, but I don’t mind a chill.

    9. What is one of your favorite hymns?
    -Hmm… “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say.”

    10. What do you do when you want to relax?
    -Watch a movie, or chat with friends.

    11. Do you prefer to e-mail or make a phone call?
    -Email. I avoid talking on the phone most of the time. ;)

    Thanks again for cheering me up, Rebekah! You’re a great friend. :)

    • Rebekah says:

      I’m so glad it cheering to you! :)

      I loved reading your answers! Thanks for answering them!

      And by the way, about the phone? I avoid it too. I’m glad I’m not the only one! ;P

    • Rebekah says:

      Whichever you prefer. Most people usually post it on their blog, that way they can come up with their own questions and tag anyone else who they want. :)

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