~Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice…

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”
Romans 12:15

Rejoice with those who rejoice…
Not always an easy call.
Rejoicing is easy when felt,
But what if it’s not felt at all?

What if their cause for rejoicing
Stabs a sharp-edged knife in your gut?
It saws and it tears at you mercilessly,
Making its horrible cut?

What if their joy is your sorrow,
Shattering your heart to bits,
Splintering the ruptured fragments,
And grinding to powdery bits?

What if their blessing weighs you
And burdens you to the ground?
What if it flattens, prostrates you,
Ceaselessly your back to pound?

What if their time of rejoicing,
Is instead, your season for tears?
The rivers in your head are broken
And your sobs start to work their gears?

What if, while the other rejoices,
The same fills you with dread and fear?
Apprehension, dismay, or even terror,
Are ever abiding and near?

Oh, Christian, with heart so heavy,
Ready to drown under thy load,
There is Someone Who will uphold you,
Give you strength, as you walk this road.

I can’t say that you won’t continue,
To water with tears, the steps you take,
Nor whether the pain will be lifted,
Or easy your load, will He make.

But He’ll strengthen you as you smile
And rejoice with those Heavn’ly blest.
He’ll bring comfort as you cry unto Him,
And bring your pain to Him, Who knows best.

If, in pain, you rejoice with another,
I promise, despite fear, you will find,
The Almighty Creator of Galaxies
Is loving, compassionate, and kind.

Trust the King of the Universe
And rejoice with your rejoicing brother.
For, in this obedience to Scripture,
We show love to God and each other.

To the KING be all the glory!


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