The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters ~ A Review

I recently finished reading “The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters” for our study of England.

The real authors of this book are the survivors of the Titanic, but the book was edited by Logan Marshall.

The book was first published in 1912, just months after the Titanic sank. After a while the book went out of print. It is now published by Vision Forum. The book is divided into 29 chapters which are further divided into individually titled sections.

The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters is a detailed description of the building, launching, voyage and destruction of the R.M.S. Titanic. The book records many accounts of survivors both men and women. Individuals relate of the bravery portrayed by many, especially the men. The survivors told of clinging to any floating device that was available. One man relates his experience of going down into the water with the Titanic. He only survived because as the Titanic sank, it had three explosions. These explosions shot him back up to the surface. The relief of the survivors is also related when they at last saw and boarded the Carpathia, the only ship to pick up survivors. The joyous of reunions with family and friends are recounted. Also, touched upon are other great disaster’s at sea, that had occurred prior to the Titanic’s sailing.

My favorite part of the book was the account of the band playing their instruments to the end. The ship went down to the strains of “Autumn” or “Nearer my God to Thee”. The two hymns are similar it seems and it was not determined which was played. I was very much impressed by the account of a young lady of 25, a Miss Elizabeth Evans, who allowed another woman take to her place in a lifeboat because “Your need is greater than mine… You have children who need you and I have none.“ The girl died on the ship. I wondered if I would have the courage and trust in God to do the same. I also enjoyed the rather sad modern poem in the back of the book written by Mr. Douglas Phillips entitled “Women and Children First: In Memoriam to the Gallant Men of the Titanic”.

I would very highly recommend this book.

Rebekah ~ The Lord’s Daughter


  1. totustuus says:

    Yes, you got them…#6 was Pride and Prejudice. :-)

    That's so interesting about the Titanic. What a great review!! I should look into reading the book…when I finish all the other books I'm reading right now. ;-)

    I enjoyed my visit to your blog (as always)!!



  2. walkbyfaith says:

    That sounds like a great book! I might have to add that to my list of books to read. *which is a mile long* :)


  3. mandygrace says:

    Thank you for the comment! I'll add you to my friends list too. The bridge is one that spans the SF Bay.

    I've heard of that book. It sounds good! I like the one from Vision Forum about the Birkenhead Drill – which is a similar story to the sinking of the Titanic.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. SincerelyAmanda says:

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  5. Jocelyndixon says:

    That sounds like a wonderful book! Very sad story!

    I have watched a doc about the preacher on board…Harper?? maybe….

    And, yes that is the dress Brielle made me… beautiful, huh?:)


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