I’ve been rather neglectful of our blog lately. Doesn’t it look dusty and forgotten? (Post wise that is, I still like the layout for now.)
This Summer has been busy, in several ways. I have been rediscovering the joys of reading over the last several months and I have “devoured” several books this Summer. I plan to start posting my reviews soon, LORD willing. Classics such as A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Pimpernel, and Jane Eyre, as well as newer books, Princess Paisley being one of them, are on my review list. Some of the books I loved, some I simply liked and others I didn’t really care for. I’m enjoying studying the writing style and voice of the different authors that I am reading from. It’s been quite the interesting study. Perhaps I’ll put some of my observations into my reviews.
As for my own books, I confess I have done very little writing this Summer. I’m working on a short story but my larger books haven’t really been touched. I’m kind of stuck actually. Grandmother’s Letters, my most active book, is moving so slowly that it’s difficult to say what’s happening next. Hopefully I’ll figure it out soon. I’m also working on a small project related to my writing and I’m still editing A Year with the Potters for (LORD willing) publication before too long. I do also have a few poems that I would like to post and a few more fermenting in my head, requesting that I write them down. Hopefully I’ll do a post about my writing fairly soon.
Besides reading, I’ve been studying the piano a lot, working on practicing the harder and less “fun” things relating to my instrument. It’s been fun and a lot of hard work at the same time. I’m also working on my Herbology/Nutrition studies slowly right now, but trying to get more time put into it. I’ve been gardening, cataloging our library, trying to keep the kitchen clean, celebrating birthdays, doing a deep cleaning of the entire house (still working on that one!) and having company over. Overall, the Summer has been fun and adventuresome in many ways, though in others it has been very difficult. Praise the LORD that He is in control of it all!
So, there is my mishmash of a post. Hopefully I’ll get a proper post up soon. Until then…
To the KING be all the glory!