Frost and Spring

I just wrote this poem in this last week.

The leaves are white
With frost so cold.
Which have blanketed plants
Since times of old.

From sparkling white
The poor plants alter.
They wither and brown
And some wholly falter.

The trees they soon blacken
How sad they appear!
But some will revive,
If the cold was not too severe.

The cold stays so long…
Will it ever leave?
Will the sweet warm winds of spring
These tortured plants relieve?

Or will they hold back
And these lands forsake?
Will the cold return
Leaving more chaos in its wake?

There comes a sweet day
As a breath of warm air
Sweeps up the valley
And the moutainside so fair.

Dark clouds, they come with it,
And with the clouds rain.
It fills up the rivers
And pours down the lane.

It rains more for days
Then it slowly abates.
After the showers
Warm weather awaits.

Jinally it has come
Spring is now here!
The cold is now gone
There’s no more frost to fear!

The plant, they now blossom
Their green leaves burst free.
The air is alive
With the bird and the bee.

Now where before lay
The withered brown plants,
Instead is green leaves
Through which the sun shines in slants.
This cycle will repeat
Until the end of the world.
Each year we see God’s majesty
And handiwork unfurled.

Rebekah ~ The Lord’s Daughter


  1. Jocelyndixon says:

    Yes, I am sad that the kids died but you're right, God has a plan… I know they are just animals too.

    My mom assigned us to do the Haiku as well but it was fun, so I did it… I loved your poem. You are very talented! Very divine!!

    Don't worry too much about the tag… and yes you are a favourite blogger. I find you very mature and I like those kid of girls!! Thanks for being one!!

    Glad you liked the Saruman post. I wondered where you had gotten to!!!

    Glad I'm a favoutire of yours too!!



  2. walkbyfaith says:

    In the one before I deleted it you were on my favorite bloggers list. That is a really pretty poem.


  3. SuperAngel says:

    Man….I wish I could be creative enough and write like you!! You write very well. I was not given the gift of being able to come up with such things.

    I would love to get pics of Estrella and Dulcy, but we don't have a digital camera, only my mom's cell, so we will see.

    I really had no idea how popular I was. It is nice to know that other's look up to you, but then again, you have to set a good example for them.

    Thanks for the compliment on the Haiku…I don't think I did very well though.

    Yeah, David Copperfield is really a great book. It is now one of my faves!!

    Thanks for stopping by!!

    Have a good week!!

    God Bless and Keep You and Yours!!

    Take Care!!


    Amanda ~ Siol Enal ~ SUPERANGEL

  4. Jo says:

    Hi, I just found your blog (friend of a friend of a friend or something.) I just wanted to say I really liked your poem, I like writing poetry too but admittedly I haven’t done one as great as that.

  5. BrielleCostumes says:


    Your poem was very nice….you did a lovely job.

    I was just stopping by to say hello and

    I hope you have a wonderful day!



  6. Rose says:

    Hello Rebekah,

    I might have already said this, but that is a very nice poem.

    I really would like to get your opinion on my post: Makeup? (Even if you don't agree)

    I really do love to hear from you,


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