~”God’s Mighty Arm”

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God’s Mighty Arm

White clouds sailing,

The serene blue sky,

The glistening sunlight,

Birds that fly by.


The lightning flashes,

The thunder roars,

Hail stones pound,

The cold rain pours.


A gentle shower,

A touch of breeze,

A scent in the air,

Reminiscent of seas.


The dust storm blinds,

The wind picks up speed,

Strong trees bend,

Like a broken reed.


A sprinkling of white,

Growing so slow,

White falls from the sky,

While the cold air grows.


Wild winds pounding,

A sheet coming down,

A blanket of white,

Dressing earth in a gown.


A gentle wave upon the beach,

A tender breeze waves a flo’wr,

A lifting fog reveals a forest –

A dark and quiet bower.


A giant spinner in the ocean,

A massive twister in the sky,

An explosion from a mountain,

Flames that leap and fly.


From the storm, to the calm,

From the fire to the flower,

See God’s mighty arm,

And praise Him for His power!


To the KING be all the glory!

– The Wind’s Chase

My friend Kayla and I decided to each try writing a poem about the same subject, our family gardens, and see what we came up with. Mine is below. To read Kayla’s lovely post, visit her entry here: The Garden in My Yard.

The Wind’s Chase

The wind brushed gently against the Cosmos,

Softly kissing their mauve cheeks,

Blowing tenderly their slender stems,

That had grown so slowly over the weeks.


The Cucumbers in their skinny homes,

Stood proudly right behind the flow’rs.

Their golden blossoms shedding forth

The promise of harvest in distant hours.


The wind continued with a happy whirl,

Around a row of tall tomato vines,

Weaving though waving radishes and onions,

It flew over earthworm and mushroom mines.


Tickling the petals of a past full blown rose,

The wind barely blew the long artichoke leaves.

It rustled the grass seeds, like stocks of wheat,

Encompassing the weeds like billowing sleeves.


A Mockingbird perched himself on a swaying tree,

Singing a bright, cheery song to the wind.

He trilled and he whistled, he rolled and swelled,

As his happy, varying song, the wind did send.


The tree branches swayed, like the ocean waves,

First one way, then back, then again.

The resident wind chimes, echoed barely a note,

Then grew strong, creating an echoing din.


The Spearmint danced, as the wind came to call,

Delighted with a short time to play.

The Palm tree stood near, more mature and advanced,

And hardly a leaf would he sway.


The wind would move on, probably soon,

Leaving room for the great summer heat.

Until that time comes, and the wind does retreat,

The plants will dance happily in their earthen seat.


To the KING be all the glory!

-The Instrumental Trio

This poem took me days to write. I’m not quite sure what was so difficult about it, except that describing music interestingly can be so hard. What do you think of it? And if anyone has a better suggestion for the title, I would be glad to hear it! It’s not describing a real piece…Only a theoretical one that resides in my head. I think it would be neat if a song were composed from the poem someday but I highly doubt that I’ll ever do it. We’ll see.

The Instrumental Trio

The music began with a dance,
As the pianist touched the keys,
Then began to skip and prance,
Just as the musician pleased.

The middle notes rang, sharp and clear,
Like the moon on a dark, cold night.
Then higher notes would suddenly appear –
An echo armed with powerful might!

The bass notes would thrill on through,
With their tones so rich and deep.
So short a time they’d continue,
Before they drifted off to sleep.

Unexpectedly – a glorious sound! –
A violin comes weaving through.
Threading the music, through and around,
Its strength and beauty steadily grew.

A steady bass rhythm began to beat
As a harp began gently to play.
The higher piano notes beat a retreat,
As the tune turned mournful and gray.

The violin suddenly came to a halt,
As the tune continued sorrowfully on.
The rhythmic beat went on without fault,
Strengthening as the rising dawn.

Then a tingling of sound came faintly at first,
Just a tinkle so high and faint.
Then the notes suddenly seemed nearly to burst,
As a musical picture, the harp did paint.

The violin came again, loud and strong,
A tempest that none could contain.
The sounds drew on so full and long,
As the piano danced like pouring rain.

Then suddenly with a rebound, loud and full,
The whole came to a magnificent end.
The last notes seem forever to roll,
Their beauty with the conclusion did send.

The audience was left with the memory sweet,
Wishing the end hadn’t come,
When gently a sound, their ears seemed to greet,
Perhaps an encore – or just the imagination of some…

To the KING be all the glory!


– On the Thirteenth Day of December…

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On the thirteenth day of December
While in the midst of our packing,
We made a candy run on Wal-Mart,
Since our chocolate store was lacking.

We bought some Ribbon Candy,
But no chocolate did it hold,
So Christmas Tree Peanut Butter Cups,
Quickly had us sold.

Then there were the Bell chocolates,
With bits of Butter-finger inside…
We couldn’t just go passed,
So into our stack they did slide.

Lastly, but not least of all,
Were the Reeses shaped like a bell…
Then we realized – we had quite enough
So our shopping spree suddenly fell.

Home with all of these goodies,
No we didn’t eat them all.
But with seven of us waiting around,
It won’t be long at all!!

To the KING be all the glory!


– On the Eleventh Day of December…

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On the eleventh day of December,
Most of the laundry is packed.
Books have found a temporary home
And the boxes are neatly stacked.

How many things there are to do,
When a house you must vacate.
So many things to remember –
They are wearying my pate!

Now off to bed I must hurry,
Since early I am to rise.
Signing off to the sounds of the dog,
Talking sisters, and a baby’s weary cries…

To the KING be all the glory!
