~To Keep or Not to Keep…

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 So, I haven’t been blogging much lately. To tell the truth, I’ve actually been considering shutting my blog down, with the exception of the occasional giveaway post or sale.

In the last several weeks of silence, however, I have realized how much I truly miss blogging. After all, I’ve had a blog since I was 14 or 15 and I’ve always enjoyed it. After thought and prayer, I have decided to keep my blog open. I have no idea how consistent I’ll get, but I want to post at least a couple of times a week.

I am in the middle of one major writing project – 24 Days Before Christmas. A Christmas mystery. I’m also getting ready to begin another, smaller project (short story), and, in case there are any readers who may remember me talking about Christine, I’m hoping, LORD willing, to commence editing on it before too long. Not to mention probably giving it a new title.

In other news, I have a FB page for Rebekah’s Quill now, as well as a Twitter account!



LORD willing, I have more than one exciting post coming up – including a giveaway/sale combo either tomorrow or Thursday!

To the KING be all the glory!



  1. Ashton says:

    Whew! *wipes head ‘cross forehead* I’m in relief you’re keeping your blog! I enjoy following it. :)

    I like the title. Christine. Makes it much more intriguing if you ask me. :)

    • Rebekah says:

      Why, thank you! I’m so pleased there is someone who enjoys it!! :)

      Yes, but Christine is also the name of a very well known book from the 80’s, about a murderous car who comes to life at night… Not only will I not ever rise above that in the Amazon list, I’m not sure I want anyone thinking my book is in anyway connected with that one. :p

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