~ A Writing Update

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The last time that I posted a writing update, was in early December I think. I posted about working on 24 Days Before Christmas. My goals of finishing around Christmastime, never materialized. Our family ended up being way busier than I expected and I got much less writing time than needed to complete the goal.

January saw almost no writing activity at all. I did, however, find time to finish my short story. It actually stayed a short story too! My first in several years!! I just need to find a title for it. An interesting title.

Now, it’s February. Christmas is over and while I would still like to finish 24 Days Before Christmas sometime this year, for now, my focus has shifted to Grandmother’s Letters again. I’m in the middle of a rewrite, which should be over very soon and then, LORD willing, I’m working to complete a final draft of this book in the next couple of months. It will most likely, be my longest book yet. Sometime, hopefully soon, I’ll try to come up with a summary of the book, so you all have an idea of what it’s about. Hopefully. I’m not very good at summarizing my own writings. I tend to put more information in them than is needed.

So, that’s about it when it comes to the update. Oh! I have started one other story – and I have no clue how long it’s going to be, how exactly it’s going to end or how long it will take me to write it. I can tell you that the name of the main character is Jack or, if you want it a little more formal, District Attorney Jackson Mellows. I still have some major thinking and possibly some research to do, before this story really takes off. I’m looking forward to writing it. Mysteries are always fun and this one is supposed to be a mystery.

I better go get some housework done, so I can spend some time writing a little later… How is your writing going?
To the KING be all the glory!


  1. Jamie T says:

    *gasp* Grandmother’s Letters!!!!! YAY! I miss that story! I’m sorry you weren’t able to finish 24 Days Before Christmas. :(

    I need to get back to steadier writing myself. Besides several short stories with my newest cast of characters from our new church, I need to work on Two Knights and a Princess and Blair’s Return Home… *shakes head* Must get back to them all!

    Love, Jamie

    • Rebekah says:

      LOL I’m glad, Jamie! I’ll be sure to send you more!

      “Blair’s Return Home” needs to be finished, most of all in my opinion. :D

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